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Dear Friends,

How are you?

Do you feel more grounded and at peace as we get closer to end of 2024?

Are you trusting and leaning in more to have those uncomfortable conversations that felt otherwise out of the question?

Personally, I feel I’ve come a long way in 2024.

I’m finding greater inner confidence and thus daring to engage in topics I felt were out of my league with my beloved. Thank you for holding me in a safe space and helping me grow up my love.

As I continue to build the mental-emotional and relational muscle, I’ve found more loving balance in knowing when to be firm and when to be soft with the families we care for.

When to go deep and when to just hold space for the other. 
I call it snorkeling vs scuba.

How is your sense of knowing when to engage with the risk of being triggered or triggering the other?

Are you spending time in the gym to build inner strength?

I encourage you to lean into your team of support, as I did mine, to help build the resilience to walk into the unknown, not just physically, but mentally-emotionally and relationally as well.

Most of us take a step back instead of leaning in when we feel out of our comfort zone.

Let’s agree to do the inner work and be willing to trust with confidence in ourselves and others to lean in.

I wish you a beautiful change of season and that you move forward trusting that all is in perfection.

Good or otherwise, this too shall pass.

With love and gratitude,



Join us for an engaging workshop with Dr. D as we delve into the science behind meditation, prayers, and breathing exercises. Discover the intricate workings of the central nervous system during yoga and yogic practices.

During this enlightening 60-minute session, you will:

  • Understanding the scientific pathway of how the Meditation works
  • Convinces the analytical mind for Breath work
  • Realisation that all can Meditate, if we understand which style suits to our personality

Register HERE


Food for thought

Qi Health & Wellbeing Assessment

This assessment provides personalized insights and recommendations to enhance your physical, mental-emotional and relational health & wellbeing.

In terms of physical health it will cover sleep, movement, nutrition, gut health and brain health. In terms of mental-emotional wellbeing it will cover the areas of fulfillment, self-awareness, mental health, emotions and capacity. In terms of relational wellbeing it will cover connection, trust, boundaries, balance and power. dynamics.
Try It Now .

The Gifts of Leaning In

In this podcast interview, Qineticare friend, Alexander Love takes us through vulnerable territory as he meets the murderer of his father in the seeds of a restorative justice conversation. Through this window, he helps us better understand the power of leaning in to the difficult areas of our own and reveals the gifts that might lie on the other side for one and all.
Listen to it Here.

Autumn Health Tips from a Chinese Medicine Perspective

The article provides seven health tips for autumn from a Chinese medicine perspective, focusing on the lungs and large intestine. Key suggestions include letting go of negativity, supporting bowel health, practicing mindful breathing, protecting against chills, maintaining sinus health, caring for skin, and massaging immune zones to enhance overall well-being.
Read it here.


The Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle

“Emotions arise in the place where your mind and body meet.”

According to Eckhart Tolle, emotions are produced by repeated thought patterns created by the ego. Like thoughts, emotions are a product of the ego that distract you from the present, keep you disconnected from your true Being, and pull you further from inner peace and happiness.
Watch it Here

Quotes to Inspire

“Unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry – all forms of fear – are caused by too much future, and not enough presence. Guilt, regret, resentment, grievances, sadness, bitterness, and all forms of non-forgiveness are caused by too much past, and not enough presence.”

                       –Eckhart Tolle

A loving safe space provides the container for us to grow. Love involves openness, embracing one  another’s differences, and a spirit of inclusivity. It’s about “we,” not just “me.” When there is love, there is no “my way or the highway.”

                       –feisal alibhai

Start securing your health & wellbeing now:

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