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The recent loss of her father put her at the edge of a breakdown. Feeling completely lost with how to engage with the conflict resulting from the execution of the will, while raising her teenage daughter without any support.

A multi-disciplinary team of experts assessed her state to determine the key insights to lead her towards relational stability and inner confidence:

  • Functional medicine support to reverse the downward spiral of stress on her body, regenerating her gut and brain health along with energy levels
  • Psychotherapist supported the resolution of childhood trauma triggered by conflict with her sibling over the will
  • Parenting coaching to break the generational traumatic pattern to protect her daughter, while supporting her to navigate the teenage years to find her own unique identity


A complete overhaul of her nutrition and fitness, while healing her inner child, led to developing the strength to accept, trust and transcend her situation and create an environment for her daughter to flourish.

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health & wellbeing now:

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