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Family Dynamics Co-Head

Danette Fenton-Menzies

As Co-Head of Family Dynamics, Danette is an experienced and sought-after executive coach with a gift for helping families and business owners understand themselves and their business better – so they can achieve the best results in both. 

Her perception, presence and experience have helped individuals find their ‘spark’ – to create happy, fulfilled, resilient lives and businesses. Danette creates space for individuals and families to feel safe, where they can discuss their challenges and what is happening in their lives and businesses. She then works with them to move from reactiveness to responsiveness.

Danette’s career has included working for Big 4 accounting firms, government and multi-national organisations. Danette holds a Bachelor of Economics and a Masters of Business Administration. She is a Chartered Accountant, a Certified Practicing Accountant and Master Trainer and coach for both John Mattone’s Intelligent Leadership® Executive Coaching program and Robin Sharma’s Lead Without A Title™ program. 

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