Feisal Alibhai

As a 35 year old 3rd generation family business entrepreneur with over 10,000 employees in 15 countries, Feisal received a wake-up call one day with the news that he had stage three cancer. He felt his life was over, but when he was unable to visualize saying goodbye to his two toddler sons, he chose to do whatever it took to transform the cancer.
To maximize his odds of survival, he turned to functional medicine, integrative doctors and beyond, building a team of world experts to support him. Seven years later, with his cancer in remission and feeling he had moved through the worst, he received what felt like the harshest blow of all, his wife proceeded with a divorce.
Looking back, he recognized all the warning signs he had missed, and spent the next seven years helping his family and friends to prioritize what matters most. In 2013, Feisal founded Qineticare, the world’s first family health office. Qineticare’s mission is to empower individuals and families through an integrative wellbeing journey of self-discovery to transform their way of being to live a meaningful life.
Feisal is also the author of ‘United in Flow’ and ‘Four Steps to Flow’.
Start securing your health & wellbeing now:
- +852 3693 7520