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Qi8 Assessment

8 Steps to Discovery

To provide you with a truly deep understanding of your health and wellbeing
needs, Qineticare has designed this unique experienc

The sequence of the assessments was designed specifically to address your
physical, mental & emotional and relational state of being.

With the help of our experts, this journey of discovery will empower you
with tools and strategies towards better health and wellbeing.

Are you living the life you dreamt of?

Identify and shift conditioned beliefs and patterns from the past to live a life in all possibility.

Is your story empowering you?

Through this assessment, you will gain awareness and learn tools to begin the journey to consciously shift from being reactive to responsive in all areas of life.

Are you expressing who you truly are?

This assessment enables you to understand your current state of being relative to your purpose, habits and alignment.

Are you the master of your thoughts and emotions?

This assessment will help you identify dynamics, perspectives and behaviours that limit and impair your relationships with yourself and others.

Are you the master of your thoughts and emotions?

This assessment will help you identify dynamics, perspectives and behaviours that limit and impair your relationships with yourself and others.

Do you feel energised and rested?

This baseline assessment of the autonomic nervous system (reptilian brain) focuses on nutrition, fitness and sleep.

Is your behaviour serving you?

This assessment is designed to identify your drivers and how they drive your behaviour (nutrition, fitness and relationships).

Do you feel protected with your current medical infrastructure?

Through this assessment of the family and individual medical health history, Qineticare will create your personalised and comprehensive Medical Health Profile.

Qi Wellbeing Report

At the end of the 8 steps, you will receive your Qi Wellbeing Report and discuss the results with the Qineticare team.


Medical Health Profile

Do you feel protected with your current medical infrastructure?

Through this assessment of the family and individual medical health history, Qineticare will create your personalised and comprehensive Medical Health Profile
Assessment performed by Trish Robson, Private Health Head and Samantha Stone, Private Health


  • 90-minute assessment by Trish encompassing:”Where did I come from?”
    Family medical history

    “How did I get here?”
    Personal medical history from birth

    “Where do I stand today?”
    Current medical status

    “Am I protected?”
    Current Medical Infrastructure


  • Medical Health Profile reflecting family medical history, past andpresent medical conditions, allergies, vaccination history andpresent lifestyle
  • Overview and roadmap to optimize my current medicalinfrastructure, including medical records, medical team, medicalinsurance, and travel medical assistance


Functional Medical

Dr. Dwarakanath Raman

Is your behaviour serving you?

This assessment is designed to identify your drivers and how they drive your behaviour (nutrition, fitness and relationships).
Assessment performed by Dr D, Functional Medicine Head


  • 60-minute assessment with Dr D
  • Analysis of the 5 basic drivers (Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Space)to determine which ones dominate your body and mind and howthey impact dierent areas of your life


  • Understanding your drivers to improve your nutrition, fitness andrelationships
  • Learn how to tap into the root of your drivers to shift the currentimbalances in your behavior
  • Series of simple steps, including things to avoid, to align with yourdrivers


Autonomic Nervous System


Do you feel energised and rested?

This baseline assessment of the
autonomic nervous system (reptilian brain)
focuses on nutrition, fitness and sleep.

Assessment performed by Michel Golay,
Autonomic Nervous System Head


  • Dietary questionnaire and a personality questionnaire to determine gutand brain health
  • Heart rate variability and diary over 36 hours monitored through aGarmin watch and chest belt
  • 60-minute assessment to review findings with Michel


  • Dietary recommendations to improve gut health and brain health
  • Fitness program specific to your needs based on the autonomicactivity observed over 36 hours
  • Steps to be taken based on the evaluation of your autonomicnervous system; balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic,recovery index of sleep and stress assessment of daily activities


Mental and Emotional Wellbeing


Are you the master of your thoughts and emotions?

This assessment will help you identify dynamics,
perspectives and behaviours that limit and impair
your relationships with yourself and others.
Assessment performed by Kathleen O’Hara,
Mental and Emotional Wellbeing Head


  • 90-minute assessment with Kathleen
  • Experiential multi-disciplinary therapeutic techniques


  • Begin shifting entrenched patterns that aect, block and sabotageyour best intentions
  • Create new, meaningful strategies to help overcome challengeswithin yourself and your relationships observed over 36 hours
  • Learn to master your thoughts and emotions using techniquesdesigned to help you develop good mental and emotional health


Beliefs and Patterns


Are you living the life you dreamt of?

Identify and shift conditioned beliefs and patterns
from the past to live a life in all possibility.
Assessment performed by Anisa Carim, Life Fulfillment Head


  • 60-minute assessment with Anisa
  • Connecting with your conscious and subconscious mind through variousmodalities


  • Begin to shift conditioned beliefs and behaviors in your conscious andsubconscious mind
  • Develop a deeper understanding of past memories, generationalpatterns and past traumas getting in the way of living a more fulfillinglife
  • Change any of your core beliefs that are limiting such as “I am notgood enough” or “I am not lovable”


Relationship with Self and Family


Is your story empowering you?

Through this assessment, you will gain awareness and learn
tools to begin the journey to consciously shift from
being reactive to responsive in all areas of life.
Assessment performed by Danette Fenton-Menzies, Family Dynamics Co-Head


  • 10-minute SCARF Model questionnaire
  • 60-minute assessment with Danette of your results and how thisimpacts your relationships


  • Develop awareness of what triggers, motivates and empowersyou
  • Create strategies to manage your triggers and shift from beingreactive to responsive in your life
  • Learn what motivates and rewards you and others to createmore impactful relationships




Are you expressing who you truly are?

This assessment enables you to understand your current
state of being relative to your purpose,
habits and alignment.
Assessment performed by Jonathan Cave, Life Coaching Head


  • 5-minute pre-assessment questionnaire
  • 60-minute assessment with Jonathan on the results to identifykey focus areas


  • Identify your most important values, talents and aspirations to createmore energy and alignment
  • Learn practical strategies to accelerate your growth and development,leading to greater impact in your work, family and relationships
  • Develop a high-level roadmap to improve your state of being andenjoy a more balanced, meaningful life


Genomics and Epigenetics


Are you living a life of possibility?

Through this assessment, you will discover what’s possible
when you leverage your environment and lifestyle based on
your genetic propensities to upgrade, thrive and flourish.
Assessment performed by Mickra Hamilton, Genomics and Epigenetics Head


  • Genetic test kit with cheek swab materials and easy-to-followinstructions (completed in your home in less than five minutes andcouriered)
  • 90-minute assessment of results with Mickra


  • Programming of individualised strategies and action-oriented lifestylemodifications in the following areas:Nutrition:A nutrition plan designed for your specific genetic propensities andtailored to your specific goalsAthletic Performance:Understand what type of exercise is best suited for you.Know your injurypropensity and recovery timeSleep:Know your circadian propensity, quality of sleep and ideal sleep durationSupplements:Learn if you are prone to specific micronutrient deficiencies andwhich supplements your body needs that it’s not receiving or absorbing well

Inner Core Leadership*


Are you the leader you want to be?

This assessment provides you with a deep understanding of
what drives you as a CEO while benchmarking and
highlighting where work needs to be done.
Assessment performed by Grahame, Leadership Coach


  • 20-minute online assessment.
  • Follow-up 60-minute interview with Grahame


  • Core elements that you utilise as a leader and those that you couldadd to develop your leadership skills further
  • Elements that impact how you perform under pressure

Qi Wellbeing Report

At the end of the 8 steps, you will receive your Qi Wellbeing Report.

In this personalised report, your results are presented in a way that showshow they are connected and relevant from a physical, mental & emotionaland relational perspective.

The Qineticare team will discuss the findings with you and present the
strategies and tools that will empower you to move forward in your
wellbeing journey.

Based on the Qi Wellbeing Report, the Qineticare team will share
a Health and Wellbeing Mandate with a tailored pathway.