Senthiyl shared how to neutralise conflict and re-engage with each other in meaningful and respectful ways.
Spring and Feisal explored how we can generate our own cure by becoming aware of the energy flows within our ecosystem.
Stephanie and Feisal addressed the practical methods to consciously redesign our health blueprint to live a healthier, more wholesome life.
Ahmed and Feisal discussed how we can transcend life’s challenges, and adopt a multi dimensional approach to health and wellbeing.
Professor Roger King shared how business families with a foundation of wealth preservation, family harmony and a family value system are more likely to endure.
Mohammad and Feisal discussed why does 24/7 access to medical records matter and how your lifestyle data can transform the quality of your health.
Michel and Feisal discussed the impact of sleep on the autonomic nervous system, why rest and recovery are paramount and how to achieve better sleep.
Kathleen shared how to reduce tension among family members by understanding how to recognise triggers, defuse potential conflicts and stay from a distance.
Dr. Dwarakanath (Dr. D) shared how the mind controls the body and the types of meditation that are suitable for you.
Danette shared how to communicate effectively during disruption, including how to adopt a positive language and communicate with clarity.