Discovering Core Creativity
The common habits for creative people are part of a Winning Formula” for creativity. Ronald takes us on a short journey into the study of creativity .
The common habits for creative people are part of a Winning Formula” for creativity. Ronald takes us on a short journey into the study of creativity .
In this session, Feisal and Elena discuss the future of next gens, how to bridge the educational next gen gap, identifying important life lessons and experiences for next gens to
In this session, Feisal and Nike discuss Nike’s new book “Lifetime to Legacy”, where she explains why it is insufficient to focus on protecting the future of the family enterprise,
In this webinar, Terri O’Fallon explains what a transformation is and feels like, what the nature of a confusion is, including positive and shadow confusions, and how it relates to
In this session, Nike shares about the importance of interdependence and kinship, the African Queen – highlighting Africa’s matriarchal culture and empowerment of women, natural governance, storytelling and resiliency.
In this webinar, Feisal and Tsitsi Mutendi discuss what Ubuntu means, how to utilize tradition for family governance, how our culture gives us our identity, and how can we use
In this session, Feisal and Dato Loy Teik Ngan will discuss how to enable rising generations to make their mark, how the family office can support succession, and mistakes made
In this session, Carlos will share how succession played out for him in his family’s business, family business governance, and managing relationships with family shareholders.
In this session, Feisal, Henry and Johnson will discuss family involvement and expectation of success as a next generation entrepreneur, balancing the competing priorities between new ventures and existing family
Ronald and Feisal will discuss Leadership as an art, how to be a mindful leader, the management of the Self and the Other, and mindfulness and Leadership.